Rates for doctoral students, academics and professionals (full conference registration)
Registration | Early Payment by Oct 31 | Regular Payment Nov 1 to 30 | Late/onsite Payment Dec 1 to 6 |
AIS Academic & Professionals | AUD$640 AUD$420 AUD$190 | AUD$740 AUD$485 AUD$220 | AUD$840 AUD$550 AUD$250 |
Doctoral Students | AUD$385 AUD$195 AUS$100 | AUD$445 AUD$225 AUD$115 | AUD$505 AUD$255 AUD$130 |
Please use this overview to find the correct HDI category for your country (i.e. the country you are working in). For academics and professionals, High-Medium HDI and Low HDI rates are set at approximately 65% and 30% (to nearest $5) of the Very High HDI rate respectively. For Doctoral Students, High HDI, High-Medium HDI, and Low HDI rates are set at approximately 60%, 30%, and 15% (to nearest $5) of the Very High HDI rate respectively. |
1. Register here: (Link coming soon)
The registration rate incorporates a 10% discount for Association of Information Systems (AIS) Members. Attendees are encouraged to join the Australasian Chapter of the AIS using this link:
The full conference registration includes attendance at industry talks. The workshop and industry day programs are to be confirmed.