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Doctoral Student Hangout

Welcome to the ACIS 2024 Doctoral Student Hangout!

students supporting studetnts

As part of this year’s Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), the AIS Doctoral Student College is hosting an in-person Doctoral Student Hangout at the conference site at the University of Canberra in Canberra, the capital of Australia.

The AIS Doctoral Student College is committed to providing opportunities and support for doctoral students in all regions, and we are extending this effort at ACIS 2024 with our Doctoral Student Hangout, which is designed to facilitate networking with peers and introduce you to the professional development and leadership opportunities offered by the College.

We invite all doctoral students attending ACIS 2024 to join us for this free event!

Time: TBC
Place: TBC

Please follow our AIS DSC LinkedIn page, and doctoral students join the AIS Student Group on LinkedIn.

Doctoral Student Hangout Co-Chairs

Yanpei Lin
Yanpei Lin
The University of Queensland
Grant Oosterwyk
University of Cape Town
Meenakshi Kolukuluri
Indian Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli
Kunal Rao
Kunal Rao
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee