Call for Panels

The purpose of panels at the Australasian Conference on Information Systems 2024 is to provide the opportunity to present topics and ideas that are state-of-the-art, break new ground and perhaps are controversial for the IS community. Possible topics for the panels should align with the main conference theme which focuses on “Digital Futures for a Sustainable Society” and the integration of sustainability principles into digital practices.

Panels are expected to engage the panellists and audience in a discussion that will stimulate interaction and enhance the learning experience with the goal of moving the community and the topic forward to greater understanding. Panel topics can vary, but generally, they relate to the conference theme and pertain to new and controversial research questions, innovative research challenges, changes to the status quo of the discipline, and technology-led transformations which give rise to problems that are worthwhile to build new research agenda around. We also encourage proposals that challenge the traditional panel format and include innovative and inspirational elements that are likely to prompt the sharing of potentially important new ideas, surprising and spirited reactions, and new conclusions important for IS researchers. Please submit your panel proposals by 23 August 2024 to the ACIS 2024 EasyChair System and ensure to choose the “Workshops and Panels” track.

Track Chairs

Photograph of Felix Ter Chian Tan from University of New South Wales
Felix Ter Chian Tan
University of New South Wales
Photograph of Lubna Alam Deakin University
Lubna Alam
Deakin University
Photograph of Zeena Jamal Alsamarra’I from University of Canberra
Zeena Jamal Alsamarra’I
University of Canberra

Review Criteria

  • Panel Topic: Topic must be novel, invite debate and discussion, and showcase leading-edge issues that IS research should revisit or undertake.
  • Panel Format: Panel focuses on discussion and not the presentation of research results, format is innovative, and highly engages the audience.
  • Panelists: Panelists include thought leaders and well-published experts, and represent a diversity of opinions, backgrounds, and geographic regions.
  • Implications: The outcome of the panel has likely implications for practice or conduct of IS research.
  • Panel Interest: The panel seems likely to draw a wide audience.

Submission Information

Panel Proposal Format

A panel proposal should use the panel proposal template, addressing the seven sections of the template. The panel proposal must not exceed five (5) pages. The 5-page count must include all text, figures, tables, and appendices. Submissions may include a video clip or similar media to illustrate the intended format.

ACIS 2024 Panel Submission Proposal Template is available to download.

All submissions must be made via the ACIS 2024 EasyChair Submission System using the ACIS 2024 “Workshops and Panels” track.

Important Dates

23 August 2024
30 August 2024
Panels Submission Deadline
11 October 2024Notification of acceptance
18 October 2024Submission of Final (Camera Ready) Version + Reviewer Responses
25 October 2024Final paper acceptance notification
Early-Bird Registration Deadline
4 November 2024Registration deadline for authors (at least one author per paper needs to register and pay by that date)
4–6 December 2024Main Conference at Canberra, Australia

 All dates at 11.59 PM, Australian Eastern Standard Time – UTC+10

Contact Us

We look forward to receiving your submissions! If you have any questions, contact track chairs directly, or email