COVID is still circulating, indeed, there is a fifth wave in New Zealand [1].
To help reduce the spread of COVID please do the following:
M – Mask: wear a mask (if you can) when in situations where you are in close contact with others. You do not need to wear a mask when presenting as long as you maintain physical separation from others.
I – Isolate: if you have COVID do NOT attend conference events. If you have a talk to give we will make appropriate arrangements to present it via Zoom (if another author cannot step in).
S – Separate: try and maintain physical separation where possible. Don’t sit next to another person when it can be avoided.
T – Test: please test yourself for COVID every day. A certain proportion of people who have COVID are asymptomatic but can still spread the disease.
Finally, the acronym MIST is to remind you that COVID is airborne. The worse environments for spreading the disease are crowded, unventilated, and loud. Avoid these as much as possible.